

Hedges of Alphonse Karr,
....and Amoenus.


Strong aerial roots and large leaves - Black Asper.


Gracilis forms a tight clump short rhizomes that later produce fibrous roots that will bind the soil together but cannot themselves produce new shoots.


New shoots of Atro turn orange for a while.


Base of Black Brandisii branch showing adventitious roots starting to form.
Black Brandisii shoots. You can see the white-velvet covered lower culms.


Ventricosa. The name "Buddha Belly Bamboo" comes from the swollen intenodes, caused by growing in hard ground during dry weather. Note the 'buddha-ed' branches growing from the 'straight' (actually zigzagged) culm.


Chungii - Blue Bamboo. New culms are heavily covered in white powder
Aborted shoot of Black Asper. The rhizome has survived and can grow more shoots.
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